We finally are getting some serious rain here in Northern California! Yes!! 👊🏼 We so can use the rain but I am sure glad I am not working anymore or I might be freaking out about sales. LOL! All is good as a retiree.
I will be linking up with Carol over at Quilt Schmilt for To Do Tuesday Link Up. Coming check it out.

Under the Needle Last Week
No quilt days this week, just 15 minutes here and there. Forward progress has been made.

- First Finish of 2025 – Blooming Snowflakes
- Finished assembling the center of my Foundation Paper Pieced quilt – 2024 Venti AG Sunprints ❤️🌈
- Finished calculating and cutting all the pieces to make the 4 1/2 inch pieced border for 2024 Venti AG Sunprints FPP quilt
February Goals

My top goals are:
- SAL: 2024 Venti AG Sunprint FPP quilt: Finish quilt top
- SAL: 2024 SJ Temperature Cottage quilt: Finish assembling quilt top
- SAL: 2024 Dragonfruit quilt: Complete Month 4
- SAL: Leaders & Enders: make 2 churn dash blocks
- SAL: Steven’s Rail Fence quilt: Sew 2 strips. Cut 12 blocks from strip sets.
- EPP: Finish Farmers Wife 1920 Block 48
- EPP: Start Blk 25 of Ruby’s Garden
- Applique: Start & Finish February Gnome
- Applique: Start Year in Words: Valentine
- Small Project: Finish Spring placemats
- UFO: 2022 Bring Home the Tree: make 6 car/tree blocks
- UFO: 2017-2019 Halifax Temperature quilt: Finish Sept 2018
- Long Arm: 2021 Sunshine quilt
This Week’s To Do List

I finished about half of last week’s list. Here is this week’s list:
- Assemble borders for 2024 Venti AG Sunprint FPP quilt
- Cut and prep blocks for Month 4 of Dragon Fruit SAL
- Assemble center of 2024 SJ Temperature Cottage quilt
- Work on leaders and enders churn dash blocks
- Cut strip set already completed and sew another
- Finish Farmers Wife 1920 Block 48
- Start February Gnome is Where the Heart Is
- Sew last tree unit for the car/tree block of Bring Home the Tree quilt
- Stay Focused 🐿️

This week I discovered the two books from my childhood (age 5ish) that my mom use to read to me while going through the garage as well as the bronzed baby shoes of my husband and son. Wishing I had bronzed my grandson’s baby shoes too. That would have been very cool to have three generations. I also discovered my yearbooks which I didn’t even realize I had kept. This garage cleanup is hardwork but yet some fun surprises. I am hoping to finish up the garage this week! You can add that to my To Do list. 😆
All this purging and cleaning is jump starting my “lets organize” gene. Right now I am just thinking 🤔 about how to organize my fabric stash. I currently have things seperated by collections/designers (Tula Pink, Alison Glass, and everyone else), fabric cuts (yardage, fat quarters, layer cakes, jelly rolls, charm packs, mini charm packs), fabric type (flannel, cotton, batiks, speciality) and scraps (by size – 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3.5, 5, & 7). Doing all these subdivisions is taking up A LOT of space. I am seriously thinking of doing by color for all of my fat quarters and yardage while keeping my layer cakes, jelly rolls, charm packs, mini charm packs, and scraps seperated for ease of use sorta.
I am considering of adding my mini charms and charm packs to my scrap baskets of appropriate size. Any thoughts? I just know I need to consolidate more. Plus I think things will get utilized more if I am not hoarding by collection/designer. While it is nice to make a quilt all from one designer or collection, it isn’t necessary. Besides, I basically KNOW my favorites and what goes together anyway. Sometimes my OCD kicks in and I have to stop that stuff. People looking at the quilts just don’t care. Seriously, any thoughts?
You gals have a great week and check back here on Friday for Floss Friday.
Peggy Stockwell in San Jose, California
I did not realize how large your Venti piece was till I saw Nala doing yoga on it! It’s beautiful (and so is Nala). I’m impressed you are almost at the end of your garage cleanout – that is a big job to tackle alone. I sort and stack my stash by color and tend to put mini charms and charm packs into their own separate bins or baskets. If I don’t use them after a long time, I sort them into my scrap bins, which I also do by color. Sometimes I wish I had started organizing my scraps by size instead of color. The bins get organized about every two years, and they are always a mess regardless of how often I sort them.
Glad you are getting some rain. Enjoy the rest of your week!