Floss Friday #82

Hello from Irvine in Southern California. We are here this weekend for States Hockey Tournament. Sadly we lost our first game. We have another tonight. šŸ¤ž

Yesterday was spent driving from Nor Cal to So Cal. I also stopped and visited one of my study group memberā€™s from my Immersion group. Had a blast visiting her store – Phoebe Peacock. It is a combination of vintage, scent bar, tea, and spa. Loved it!

Starts & Finishes

I had one start & one finish for the week although the finish isnā€™t a real finish, itā€™s this monthā€™s stitches.

START: Blooming Tiny Town by Heart in Hand
Start of Blooming Tiny Town 3/11/2024

I was able to start my new Tiny Town this week. I thought Blooming TT is very spring like. I am stitching on a 16ct. I forgot to right down what the cloth is but I am using all called for floss. I just love stitching these Tiny Towns.

FINISH: February Shelf of the 2024 SJ Temperature Library by Kristiā€™s Corner
Temperature Library – February Shelf Finished 3/12/2024

It took stitching for an hour 5 days in a row to finish the February Shelf. I didnā€™t spend any time seperating the books using the same colors this month on all the books, just some.

WIP Updates

Even though I didnā€™t get to work on anything yesterday because I was tired after the visit and long drive, I did get a lot done still. I continued last weekā€™s trick of working an hour on a project close to completion. February Shelf was one of them.

January Month 2 Month Barn by Stitching with the Housewives

I had some quality time on this one. I finished the roof top and made significant progress on the barn this week. Fun stitch! I like how the barn is stitching out. Simple but impactful. This is just on 14 count white aida.

Snowman Collector: The Clown by Cottage Garden Samplings

I was able to finish the stage and the clownā€™s feet and even worked on his pants! This is on 16 ct vintage country mocha aida cloth. I would like to still pull out the snowflakes for the overall border. I found a silk white that I want to use insteadd. Looks great though.

A Calender Gnome – Mr. August by Charlieā€™s Needle

I finished my first bumble bees and filled out some honey sticks by the beehive and hat. I also filled in the chicken. It was nice to check another item off my list.

WIPGO Project: Snow Village by Country Cottage Needlework

Sorry about the lighting on this picture. Just couldnā€™t seem to get a good one and I didnā€™t really do anything different. #sigh. I was able to finish the 8th chart (out of 11) in the series – Snowball Stand and started working on the snow for the Ice Creamery.

My goal is to work on 5 times this month. This represents the third time. Nice progress.

December Snapshot by Pine Mountain Designs
December Snapshot WIP 3/14/2024

Finished up another element – the clock and made a dent on the mantle. I can see where the stockings will be hanging. The wreath is still my favorite element so far. This is stitched on 10 ct vintage cloth.

Hummingbird Sampler by Heart in Hand
Hummingbird Sampler WIP 3/13/2024

Once I finished the February Shelf, I settled on this small sampler as my one hour a day although I didnā€™t bring it with me for this five day trip. I was able to finish more of the border and alphabet in just an hour. I am not a green person, although I find this beautiful with this cream with green highlights 16 ct aida and Classic Colorworks Weeping Willow floss.

Upcoming Plans & Thoughts

Closeup of February Shelf WIP 3/11/2024

I only brought one project with me on this 5 day-4 night trip: WIPGO Project Fall Harvest. I havenā€™t had a chance to pick it up yet. Last night I was just too tired and today has been a full day with my Immersion Class and Hockey.

When I get home I plan to pick up and work on:

  • Hummingbird Sampler
  • Starting my new series Fabulous House
  • July Truckin Along
  • Starting February Year of Celebration Season 2

Earlier this morning we had sunny and 68F and now it is sunny and raining. LOL! Crazy weather.

Happy Stitching Everyone!

Peggy Stockwell in Irvine, California

One thought on “Floss Friday #82”

  1. Did you run into some weather in SoCal? Hope you are enjoying your trip. I love the Temperature Library and the Snow Village! Well I love all your projects, but those stood out today. šŸ˜‰ Take care!

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