Floss Friday #103

The writer describes a week of pleasant weather, their return to routine after a trip, and plans to visit Santa Barbara. They reflect on childhood beach birthday parties and recent erosion at Seacliff. The week included various cross-stitch projects, garden-fresh tomatoes from a neighbor, and a family birthday BBQ. Upcoming plans involve more stitching and group activities.

Another week of fairly good weather. A little hazy from the wildfires north of me but otherwise nice. It started heating up again yesterday, but otherwise it has been a gorgeous summer week in Northern California. I am almost back in my normal routine after being gone for 3 weeks in July. I was thinking of going to Santa Barbara for a treat. If I do, I think it will be just for a couple of days.

Let’s take a look at how the week unfolded in my cross stitch world.

Starts & Finishes

Just one start this week.

August Year of Celebration Season 2 by Hands on Design

After July taking so long, I thought I needed to start this one earlier in the month so I can finish in August. For the most part it is going well, but I realized I messed up the white on the birds on the right all the way back to the first row I stitched. #sigh. So I had a little unstitching and restitching. Now we are back on track.

Stitched on 16 ct dirty aida with called for Weeks Dye Works, Classic Colorworks, and DMC floss.

WIP Updates

Found some time to work on both of this month’s WIPGO projects this week. Like most people, some nights I stitch for a few hours and others it is good if I get an hour in. I have also been taking nightly 30 minute walks. Last night I scored garden fresh tomatoes 🍅 from my neighbor. So yummy!

Let’s check out this week’s projects 🧵✂️🪡

WIPGO Project: Snowman Collector: The Shepherd by Cottage Garden Samplings

First up is the third chart in the Snowman Collector series. I am stitching them as one huge project on 18 ct country vintage mocha with called for floss. I have been at it for over a year now. But I love it!

I have been diligently working on this large sheep. I am feeling pretty good about where I am so far with this project. Without realizing it, I did start on the Shepherd’s coat as well. It reminds me of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat.

WIPGO Project: July Stackables by It’s Sew Emma

I just love working on this series. It is Fun with a capital F! I was able to finish the mug of lemonade and start the watermelon. 🍉

August Calendar Crates by Stitching with the Housewives

This series seems to take forever but for some reason this one feels faster. I have almost finished the center. Love the beehives!

2024 Temperature Library by Kristi’s Corner

I was excited to finally get caught up with the July shelf and am looking forward to starting August. Look at this cute Hurricane lamp!

Autumn Baskets (chart 3) by Hands on Designs
Autumn Basket #3 WIP 8/5/2024

If felt good finishing the top row of this cute little cross stitched “quilt”. I had another moment of unstitching and restitching. All is good now.

Fruit of Plenty by Modern Folk Embroidery

This was a short night of stitching. I went to my sister’s for a Birthday BBQ. Yummy food of course! Managed to work on the house a little before bed.

Fabulous House: Green House by Cottage Garden Samplings

I worked on the white work for the first part of the night before switching to color. I began to wonder if I should have stayed working with the white as I found myself ripping out the green twice before getting it right. Then everything flowed. Love all these gorgeous flowers with all the whitework (glass). I have one more “window” with flowers and then some more white work and I will be done with the actual greenhouse. So excited!

Upcoming Plans & Thoughts

2024 SJ Temperature Library WIP 8/3/2024

This week I turned ** years old. I celebrated by having a family BBQ with my sister and her family. My youngest (Caitlin) turned 30 a few days before me. I found myself reminiscing about beach birthday parties 🥳 in years past. We generally went to Seacliff State Beach every year for our birthdays with hundreds of family and friends to help us celebrate with BBQ, piñata, watermelon for cake, and lots of sun and sand. I was at Seacliff back in June and was devasted by how the winterstorms from the last couple of years have eroded the beaches, campgrounds, and walkways. The picnic areas still stand (barely) but I don’t think it will ever be like it was all those years ago. Those will be memories I cherish forever!

After all that reminiscing, I took a look at what this coming week was looking like. It is going to be a busy week with not 1, but 2, Quilt Zoom days as well as meeting with my Surface Pattern Design Study Group. While the days will be full, that means the evenings are looking nice and calm. I am optimistic when it comes to how much stitching will get done. (Hmmm. I think I am always thinking I can do more than I can. 😆 )

Here is what I am thinking:

  • Working a couple of times on The Shepherd
  • July Stackables
  • Starting the August bookshelf
  • Pulling out Let’s Talk Summer to work on
  • January Month 2 Month (snowmen in August ~ oh yea!)
  • December Snapshots (Christmas in August)
  • Sail Away
  • Finishing up August Year of Celebration 🤞🏻
Nala with 2018 100 days quilt

I leave you with this picture of Nala ~ my ever present helper. She was inspecting my last quilt top at every stage.

Have a great weekend and thanks for stopping by!

Peggy Stockwell in San Jose, California

2 thoughts on “Floss Friday #103”

  1. My favorite of your pretty photos – Nala. 🙂 Your August Calendar Crates is really pretty! I love looking at all your projects, as always.
    Happy birthday Peggy! Your celebration sounds like fun. No matter how old you think you are, you are still a kid at heart. I am betting I am older at 76. 😉
    Whenever you take off for Santa Barbara – enjoy!

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