To Do Tuesday #135

Welcome to this week’s quilty addition of To Do Tuesday. Only got one good day in this week which is more than I have had for several weeks. Let’s take a look.

I will be linking up with Carol @ QuiltSchmilt for To Do Tuesday

To Do Tuesday


I have my second finish for the year and it turned out so cute

February Gnome Is Where The Heart is Finish 3/1/2025

Didn’t get this done in time for February but I am ready for next year! So fun to work on and I really loved the binding!

Under the Needle Last Week

Thank goodness for a Quilt Zoom day with my quilty besties! I was able to finish a few things:

  • I finally quilted my first placemat of my Spring series using leftover scraps with Kaffe Fassett fat quarters I had hanging around. Went with a simple straight line quilting with some shadow quilting on the 2 1/2 square borders
  • Was able to get the hanging tabs and binding done on this quilty day so that I could finally finish it in March.
  • Used my leaders and enders project between…
  • The most time was spent on finishing my foundation paper pieced blocks and then assembling then into 4 sections for Block of the Month 4 of Dragonfruit SAL. I want to assemble the first three sections so bad but I will wait until I get to my new house for that.

Overall it was a very successful quilt day.

March Goals

While I have set goals for March like normal, I know preparing for the move is starting to impact my current ability to get sewing time. Here we go:

  1. SAL: 2024 Dragonfruit quilt: Complete Month 5
  2. SAL: 2024 Venti AG Sunprint FPP quilt: Finish quilt top
  3. SAL: 2024 SJ Temperature Cottage quilt: Finish assembling center
  4. SAL: Leaders & Enders: make 2 churn dash blocks
  5. SAL: Steven’s Rail Fence quilt: Sew & cut 2 more strips
  6. EPP: Finish Farmers Wife 1920 Block 48
  7. EPP: Start Blk 25 of Ruby’s Garden
  8. ✔️Applique: Finish February Gnome
  9. Small Project: Finish Spring Placemats
  10. UFO: 2022 Bring Home the Tree: make 6 car/tree blocks
  11. UFO: 2017-2019 Halifax Temperture quilt: Finish Sept 2018
  12. Long Arm: 2021 Sunshine Quilt
  14. START packing up WIPS

This Week’s To Do List

Cute Heart Buttons from stash on February Gnome

Last week was pretty successful. I think this week and I am really going to push to finish up some small projects that are close to completion.

  • Finish Farmers Wife blk 48
  • Complete 2024 Venti AG Sunprint FPP quilt top
  • Cut Month 5 blocks for Dragonfruit Block of the Month
  • Purchase Alison Glass mini alphabet
  • Sew the last tree for the tree/car block of Bring Home the Tree project
  • Continue workingon Leaders & Enders project: churn dash
  • Stay Focused 🐿️
  • Gather and pack up some WIPs 📦


I found this motivational (and calming quote) to help me stay focused for the next few months while preparing to move to a new state and a new beginning. I am excited but yet nervous. Purchasing a home before you sell your current one is nerve racking especially in the economic uncertainty that exists. I only hope I get it all done before we fall into our next recession.

Organizing all of my WIPS and fabric is a huge project. It makes planning the new studio seem simple. I have over 15 years of fabric and projects that I bought in anticipation of retirement. I have enough projects to keep me busy 24/7 for the next 400 years! Okay. Maybe that is an exaggeration but not much of one. I am going to use the above philsophy and tackle it one small project at a time. Ready. Set. Go!

Have a great week and good luck everyone!

Peggy Stockwell in San Jose, California

One thought on “To Do Tuesday #135”

  1. Your Gnome piece turned out darling! Looks like you have some good projects going – hope you have time to enjoy a few. Have hope – I think you are safe from a recession – we are headed in the right direction, and the economy is going to get better! I wish you good luck in selling your house and getting everything done. From what I’ve seen of you on your blog, you will have everything organized and ready when the time comes. Are the kitties looking forward to a new town and house? 🙂

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