Hello Everyone! I got to have a Quilty Friday this week and got quite a bit done. I look forward to sharing with all of you. As usual, I will be linking up with Carol from Quilty Schmilt for To Do Tuesday. See the link below:

Under the Needle Last Week

- Worked on Farmers Wife blk 48 – Homeward Bound. Assembled the first two rows. I have a 3rd row to assemble then assembling all three rows to finish my block.
- I trimmed up Blooming Snowflakes, made a hanging sleeve, and made the binding
- Finished making the last FPP blocks Pomegranate and then assembled all the blocks to make a 12.5 inch section/block.
- Finished another churn dash block as my leaders & enders project
- Put together a new strip set for the rail fence quilt
- Assembled two tree units for the Bring Home the Tree quilt by Lori Holt in her Vintage Christmas book.
January Goals

- SAL: 2024 SJ Temperature Cottage Quilt: ☑️Finish December cottage. Start on border
- SAL: 2024 Venti AG Sunprint FPP quilt: Assemble center of top. Cut border. Start assembling border
- ✔️SAL: 2024 TP Dragonfruit FPP quilt: Finish assembling corner sections from Month 1 & 2. Cut Month 3 blocks. Assemble Month 3 blocks.
- SAL: Leaders & Enders Churn Dash blocks. Make 2
- SAL: Steven’s Rail Fence: Sew 2 strips. Cut 12 blocks from sewn strips.
- EPP: Farmers Wife 1920: Finish block 48 /finished assembling 2 of 3 rows
- EPP: Ruby’s Garden: Start Block 25
- Applique: Finish Blooming Snowflakes /labelled and organized pieces to fuse to background /finished appliqueing and quilting
- Applique: Start Year in Words Valentine
- Applique: Start & Finish February Gnome
- Small Project: Finish Patriotic tablerunner
- UFO: 2022 Bring Home the Tree: Make 6 car/tree blocks. /completed 5 tree units for the blocks and other 3 ready to sew. /still cutting out car units. Only have the car body left to cut
- UFO: 2017-2019 Halifax HST Temperature quilt: September 2018
- Long Arm: 2021 Sunshine quilt – quilt it
This Week’s To Do List

I have been whittling away at my list of things to work on this month. For the last week of January I am thinking:
- Finish Blooming Snowflakes: bind & hang
- Assemble quilt center for 2024 Venti AG Sunprint FPP Quilt
- Sew another rail fence strip sets. Cut & Trim blocks
- Finish cutting two more car units for Bring Home The Tree.
- Assemble the quilt center of 2024 SJ Temperature Cottage quilt
- Cut additional pieces for the Legend quilt box
- Finish Farmers Wife Block 48
- Continue working on L&E: churn dash block
- Start February Gnome Is Where the Heart Is
- Stay Focused 🐿️

Been going through the garage this week. About 5 years ago I cleaned out about 1/2 of it and then it was filled up again. Interesting enough, it has not been me putting stuff in my garage. My Ex, my son, and my grandson have been the biggest contributors to boxes in the garage. It has been like Christmas as well as hell going through boxes. Why people think it is okay to bring their shit to my house and leave it in my garage is a mystery. But that is what I have been dealing with. While I haven’t finished everything up in the garage yet, I have made some amazing progress.
One cool find was a box of quilt kits from McKenna Ryan (very excited about that find), missing accuquilt dies, a box with my ex’s high school yearbooks, his bronzed baby shoes, and my son’s bronzed baby shoes, scrapbooks, photos, and lots and lots of books.
Some not so cool finds were boxes of perishables, cleaning supplies, kitchen items, and empty boxes. I have a least two truck loads of stuff to be donated. The garbage and recycle are both full.

15 plus years of stuff….
Well that is a wrap for this week. I hope you enjoyed the updates on this week’s projects. Thanks for dropping in and good luck with your projects!
Peggy Stockwell in San Jose, California
Once again you got a lot done last week! Loving those tall tree blocks. I was having a conversation with a friend recently about how hard it is to clean out stuff. It is definitely made harder when you have to also “curate” other people’s stuff too! We both agreed that it is freeing to let stuff go. Then the challenge is not to collect a whole bunch of new stuff — unless it is truly meaningful or useful to you AND you have the space for it, LOL!
Our garage is filled mostly with other people’s stuff too. We rented a dumpster, which we filled to make room for the hot tub and hubby’s Harley. We did donate a lot as well as fill the dumpster. Now the garage is once again filling up, including the top of the hot tub!
Crazy when it’s not even yours!
Ugh on the boxes – maybe Nala needs to help you attack your garage. 😉 Hope you find joy in your beautiful projects this week Peggy.