I’ve been focused the past two weeks on finishing up my February themed projects so I could try and get caught up on my Monthly series. I realized today that I just have too many monthly series so it is making it hard to work on my non-monthly projects.

Continue reading “CROSS STITCH DIARY: April 2021”

CROSS STITCH DIARY: Stitchtober 2020 Wrap Up Plus What’s New


I ended up stretching Stitchtober all the way to November 30th as I tried to finish my last two starts. Unfortunately, I began resenting working on Halloween and Fall projects so it was time to set the remainder projects aside for 2021.

Continue reading “CROSS STITCH DIARY: Stitchtober 2020 Wrap Up Plus What’s New”

CROSS STITCH DIARY: Stitch-tober 2020

Tomorrow is the beginning of October and I have been gathering fall projects (and a few others) that I want to work on for Stitch-tober with Kim at Fat Quarter Shop and Lori Holt. Let me show you my new projects as well as continuing projects!

Continue reading “CROSS STITCH DIARY: Stitch-tober 2020”