As usual, I will be linking up with Linda, Texas Quilt Lady, for To Do Tuesday! The weekend was all hockey, then sick grandchild. Hopefully he will feel good enough to go to school Wednesday before Thanksgiving break.
Continue reading “To Do Tuesday #29”Tag: #365blockchallenge
To Do Tuesday #28
It was nice to be home all week. I was able to clean up a (very) little in my sewing studio and start looking at upcoming projects. Of course, starting a new project requires that I finish something soon!
Continue reading “To Do Tuesday #28”To Do Tuesday #27
Been a busy week. Not a lot done this week as we took off for Chicago over the weekend for another hockey tournament. I am hoping this week will be a bit more productive.
Continue reading “To Do Tuesday #27”To Do Tuesday #26
This will be short and sweet this week.
I will be linking up with Linda’s @ Texas Quilt Gal To Do Tuesday. Thanks Linda!
Continue reading “To Do Tuesday #26”To Do Tuesday #24
Hi Everyone! Hope this finds you all busy working on your projects . As we talked about last week, it has been a busy week with cooking and quilting classes. Then walking the quilt show and attending another Hockey weekend. The bright side is my grandson’s team qualified for the regular season over the weekend so we get a by for the next hockey weekend at end of October. Yeah! I will spend it quilting!
I am linking up with Linda for To Do Tuesday over on her website.
Continue reading “To Do Tuesday #24”To Do Tuesday #23
The past two weeks have found me on the road more days than not. I am feeling a bit harried. This week won’t be any better because it is time for Pacific International Quilt Show here in the Bay Area. It starts tomorrow night and goes all the way until Sunday. I have classes both Thursday and Friday with my quilty friends which is always a lot of fun and games.
Continue reading “To Do Tuesday #23”To Do Tuesday #22
This week was a good week. Still feeling a little anxious about finishing my Name of Rose quilt and February table runner. It doesn’t help that today Simba unthreaded my Gammill. I think in October, I am going to pick a week that the only thing I do is long arming. My fall quilt is almost ready and I have three others that definitely ready!

I am joining Linda over at Texas Quilt Gal for the To Do Tuesday Link Up. Thanks Linda!
Continue reading “To Do Tuesday #22”To Do Tuesday #21
I was surprised how much I actually got done this week. I didn’t feel any more focused than usual, but I am definitely happy with my progress!
Once again I will be linking up with Linda from Texas Quilt Gal. Come join us.

To Do Tuesday #20
Wow! 20 weeks already. I want to thank Linda over at Texas Quilt Lady for hosting this awesome accountability. It is open for anyone who wants to participate. Just click on the link below for more information.

To Do Tuesday #19
The summer is wrapping up so quickly. Here in California, the kids are back in school already with Labor Day Weekend this coming weekend. For my household, that means we will be off to a hockey tournament. At least our first one is close – So Cal.
Continue reading “To Do Tuesday #19”