Welcome to this week’s edition of Floss Friday where I share what cross stitch projects I have been working on this week. If you follow me at all, you know that I just got back on Wednesday from taking the train to and from Seattle to visit my daughter. I tried to stitch on the train, but I got motion sick. I did do a little on the way to Seattle, but I did english paper piecing on the way home.
Let’s take a look at this weeks projects.
Starts & Finishes
Not a lot of action in this category but I did manage to work in one new start.
START: April Monthly Markings by Heart in Hand ☔️

I spent more time counting the stitches for the box then working on the design for April. Instead of cutting or having a loose thread, I worked on the May box before starting on the actual April design. I ran out of time because I took a phone call that lasted a while.
WIP Updates
As is normal when I travel, I only took one project with me for the 5 nights I was gone. By the time I boarded the train on Friday, I was too tired to stitch so nothing happened the first night. As I mentioned in my opening remarks, I didn’t even pull out cross stitch on the train home. I left Tuesday morning and arrived home Wednesday morning. I was only home a couple of days before today’s blog.
WIPGO Project: Let’s Talk Summer (large) by Hands on Design 🕶️

The time on the train was slow stitching. I finished the BBQ that day but it was very hard even though I had like 12 hours to work on it. At the hotel was a little better because I had my portable light. The real progress this week happened on Wednesday night after I got home. Nothing like the comfort of your home setup to make your time super productive. I really thought that I would be done after four nights working on this.
It looks like I will end up spending more than the five nights allocated for this WIPGO project. Before the month is out, this will be the focus project to finish after July Truckin Along is completed.
WIPGO Project: Winter Camper by Bobbie G Designs ⛄️

Have you ever had a project that you lost interest in? This is one of them for me. It was one of my first projects I purchased in May 2020 when I decided to pick up cross stitching again. I have come to hate 1/4 and 1/2 stitches with a passion nevermind all the backstitching outline. #sigh
While my WIPGO goal is to work on this five times this month, I am only torturing myself with one hour per night. Since I messed up the left side, I have been focusing on the right side and working my way from right to left now. It will get done eventually. I really do like the picture, just not the pattern if that makes any sense.
2024 Temperature Library by Kristi’s Corner 🌡️

I just adore this project. I am so pleased with how it is going. Last month it was a WIPGO project which allowed me to finish most of the bookcase and shelves as well as get to the current month. This month I have been stitching the books in increments of 6 along with any monthly knick knacks. Sometimes it is hard for me to figure out what the knick knacks are. I have finished May 1- 12 so far. Look at all those yellow and oranges as well as some blues. The weather has been crazy here. The low so far was 58 and the high 86. Crazy right?
I have definitely fallen in love stitching temperature cross stitches. I really wanted this color of aida cloth that I picked up from JoAnn’s but this was the largest piece they had. It looks like I will have to add some fabric at the top and bottom when I finish it. I plan to frame it so I just need something to work with.
LOL! I don’t even know why I am thinking about finishing this one when I still haven’t finished last year’s butterflies. Oh wait! I know why! I love to plan. 😂
Upcoming Plans & Thoughts

I don’t have any long trips planned this week although I will be gone all day on Monday as I head to Modesto to visit my sister Dorothy. (Hi Dorothy 👋)
I do plan on getting back on track with my one hour each night working on the “project to finish”. This week that will be July Truckin Along. I have a long way to go with that one, but I really really want to finish it. Otherwise these are the other projects I plan to work on:
- Finishing April Monthly Markings
- Work on December Snap Shot
- Another night on Winter Camper
- My second night of Fruit of Plenty (I set a goal of twice this month)
- Update Temperature Library for May 13-18th
- Work on Mr. August the Calendar Gnome
- Pull out Autumn Basket last chart
- January Month 2 Month barn piece
I will still have one night open this week. It feels nice not to have to figure out how to cram time in for all of my WIPs. I changed up my Cross Stitch planner this month and I think I really like this new layout. It is easy to see my beginning ACTIVE wips and my planned starts and planned finishes as well as my WIPGO projects. Though the WIPGO’s are listed in active WIPs or Starts as well. I didn’t do that last month so I ended up confusing myself 🙄
Hmmm. What else should we talk about? Oh you are so right! It is time to wrap it up so we can enjoy our weekend.
Happy stitches everyone!
Peggy Stockwell home in San Jose, California
Your temperature library is looking so spectacular, it is going to be a real treasure. Your projects are such eye candy Peggy!
I hope you enjoy your weekend, and have fun visiting your sister!
Hi Linda
Thanks for stopping by. Since Friday was a quilt zoom day the momentum has carried me through the weekend. The library is definitely fun! 🤩