Welcome back! This week has been a fairly productive week with all my cross stitch projects. I am looking forward to sharing what I worked on this week. So let’s get started!
February WIPGO Results

Project 7: Christmas Calendar by Tiny Modernist

The goal for this February WIPGO project was to finish 3 days – Day 2, 7, & 12. Sadly I only finished Day 12 and half of Day 7. But at least I finished half. So I had decided that I would finish this goal in March. See the results below!
Project 8: Frosty Tiny Town by Heart in Hand

The February WIPGO goal was to stitch 2500 stitches in February. I did pretty good but still missed the overall goal by 40% or 1000 stitches. I put into this new start 1,564 stitches. Great start though. So I am carrying forward this goal for March to finish that 1,000 stitches. So here we go!
Starts & Finishes
There were no new starts or finishes this week but I thought I would share my plans for March.
March Proposed Starts
- January Square Dance by Heart in Hand
- Hello Summer by Fat Quarter Shop (WIPGO)
- Pop of Spring by Bent Creek
- Spring Baskets (chart #1) by Hands on Design
- Spring Stitching Season by Stitching with the Housewives
- September Stackables by Fat Quarter Shop
All of these projects were prepped earlier in the week. I have some missing floss for Spring Baskets with plans to pick that up today so I will be all set for the month.
March Proposed Finishes
- January Square Dance
- Pop of Spring
WIP Updates
This week has been a week of working on works in process. It has been a great week. I started with WIPs that I barely got to work on last week and unfulfilled February WIPGO goals. Let’s take a look:
Fabulous House: Santa’s House by Cottage Garden Samplings

After such a sad showing for this project in February, I decided to start with it for March. I was able to get 531 stitches after the measly 233 in February. I am enjoying working the second floor of Santa’s House. I like how the pink pops against the reds in this design. So darn cute! I am now about 38% done with this project.
November Snapshot by Pine Mountain Designs

This was another project that was touched but not really worked on during February. I had time this week to get in 601 stitches after only doing 78 in February. Made me feel good to hit the halfway mark with this project which is the last one I need to complete for this series. It was really fun stitching the corn stalks and “November”. I am not sure if I will get to work on it again this month. My goal was just one night and I did that.
Christmas Calendar (FEB WIPGO) by Tiny Modernist

I only worked on this project once this week and was pleasantly surprised to be able to wrap up the Snowman for Day 7 as well as finishing Day 2 which was the February WIPGO goal. The colors were for the same for both and I had already done the border for the day so it seemed like a natural to work on the days at the same time. I even had time to add to the “Merry Christmas” border. I met my goal for the month which is nice. I have decided to leave this in my year long rotation and do a day every month in hopes to get it completed by end of 2025. I have 10 days now complete with 15 remaining plus I have to finish the “Merry Christmas” box.
September Calendar Crates by Stitching with the Housewives

The first Calendar Crates I did was not very much fun. This September one is downright a joy to work on. I love seeing the pumpkins coming to life so much that I got distracted finishing the house. I did finish the truck itself. I was able to do 717 stitches in March versus the 153 in February. Feeling like a rock star! And doesn’t Nala look so cute!
Frosty Tiny Town (FEB WIPGO) by Heart in Hand

I was able to get 446 stitches down toward finishing up the 1000 left to do for February WIPGO goal. I just adore this cute tiny town. I just love snowmen and it is fun to work with all these gorgeous blues and greens that are in this project. I need at least one if not two more nights on this project to achieve my March goal of 1000 stitches (and secretly hoping for more!). The fabric I am using Silverfox Aida is fabulous!
WIPGO Project: 2025 SJ Moon Phases by Climbing Goat Designs

I have big goals for this project this month and last night was my first night working on it. Making the moons themselves are pretty easy, I just am not a big fan of backstitching. It didn’t take me long to realize that I should have been doing the outline all along as I had a very hard time focusing for the last hour of working on this last night.
I am going to switch gears with this project and work on it for a few minutes everyday – at least 15 minutes. January moons are made and I am now outlining the moons. I am half done with that. Then I will be outlining as I go from now on. I am liking the color palette – A LOT! I think it looks fabulous on this black 18 ct aida.
Just a reminder: The WIPGO goals are to finish January & February moons as well as starting the March moons. I also plan to finish the top border for this project. This is extremely ambitious for this project, but doable.

Plans for next week
Just finished doing a rough plan for next week:
- work on 2025 SJ Moon Phases WIP every day for at least 15 minutes
- Start Hello Summer WIPGO project
- Start Pop of Spring
- Shabby Winter Calendar Day 12 start
- Crescent City Velaris
- Fruit of Plenty
- The Shepherd
- Mr January
Can’t wait to get started!
Move Update
If you read my To Do Tuesday blog then you are pretty up to date on the move. The only things that have been happening since Tuesday is all the effort put into getting all the paperwork done. So much paperwork!!! This weekend I hope to start pulling together my active WIPs and setting them aside while putting together the inactive ones in preparation of being packed up for both quilting and cross stitches. I do not want any lost parts like what happened to me the last time I moved.
That’s it for this weekly update on stitchy projects. Hope you have found some inspiration. I am finally feeling more inspired since I got my mojo back. Have a great weekend!
Peggy Stockwell in San Jose, California
Santa’s House looks pretty fancy for Santa! I love, love the little Frosty Tiny Town. Nala blends right in with the pumpkins. The colors on the moon phases are beautiful.
Hope you have a great weekend!