Happy Friday! It’s a good day. My daughter who works with USGS is still employed. The next four years, no matter what happens, will be a roller coaster since Donald Trump does not like scientist especially those who work with the environment or climate. But this platform is not a political one and I certainly don’t want to make it so. Just please make sure you get all the facts before you speak.
On to more fun things like all my stitchy projects for this week. Let’s get started!
Starts & Finishes
I have yet to start on my small project series for this year. I had on my list to start and finish January Square Dance this month. This was the only start/finish goal I didn’t hit. Didn’t February just fly by?!
FINISH: Winter Basket #2 by Hands on Design

When I realized I would not be meeting my original finish goals, I decided I was too close not to wrap up the Winter Basket series with the finish of chart 2 pictured above. I really enjoyed stitching this season on 16 ct stone aida with the called for DMC floss. Just love these colors and I look forward to finishing these into adorable pillows (at a much later date – say after I am moved 😆)
START: Winter Stitching Season by Stitching with the Housewives

I managed to at least get this one started. Better late than never. I find it is easier to pick up a WIP then to actually start a new project. So now we have this one in the WIPs. I hope I do a better job starting Spring Stitching Season 🤪
This is being stitched from a quarterly club which included a 28 ct thin white pine fabric by Fabric Flair and Classic Colorworks floss.
WIP Updates
I really lost my mojo during February. I had been doing so well with all things creative but fell off the wagon mid month. Just no energy to work on the creative projects that I so love. While I am sad it happened, I am practical enough to know that no one can go at top speed 24/7, day after day, month after month. With the upcoming move, it is totally reasonable that my creative endeavors will suffer. It will be worth it when I get into my new space specifically setup and designed for the creative.
For those of you who follow me, hang in there. I will still squeak out some eye candy just not as much as usual while I go through buying and selling my home and moving to a brand new state.
WIPGO Project: Frosty Tiny Town by Heart in Hand

I am loving stitching this gorgeous tiny town. I love all the snow and beautiful blue floss picked by the designer. Everything just flows so well together and it is downright dreamy!! I am stitching on 16 ct silverfox aida which seems to go perfectly with all the flosses. Just love this town. Thank you Cecilia for letting me ask you for it!
September Calendar Crates by Stitching with the Housewives

While I only got an hour on this project (so I could have some eye candy to show), I was able to almost complete this adorable truck and some more of the grass and sign. I love working on this series. It is fun!
Fabulous House: Santa’s House by Cottage Garden Samplings

You might now be able to tell what I did with this one. I finished filling in all the pink areas on the first floor of Santa’s House and started on the pink for the second floor. These colors are just gorgeous together.
November Snapshot by Pine Mountain Designs

This was another project that I only got an hour on it. I was able to get most of the green corn stalks done. I love these two greens together. It really adds some dimension to the plants.

The draw was made for March WIPGO projects. I am excited to share with you my March projects.
Project 9: 2025 SJ Temp Moon Phases by Climbing Goat Designs

First up is my 2025 temperature stitch Moon 🌖 Phases by Climbing Goat Designs (check etsy for her numerous fun temperature stitches). It took me awhile to get this project organized so it was mid January before I even started. I am finally organized but am not current. When this popped as a WIPGO I jumped for joy! The goal is to complete January & February moons 🌓 as well as the top border. I would also like to finish through at least March 15th and do the side borders down to the March row of moons. 🌒
Project 24: Stitch Quarterly: Hello Summer by Fat Quarter Shop

It took a minute for me to figure out the status of this project. I forgot I had added a number of the stitch quarterlys to the WIPGO project list this year so this will be a new start. I will need to get it loaded in and setup so I can stitch so I am going to go with a conservative 1500 stitch goal for the month because I have learned it takes me a while to get a start setup. It was not on my radar so no preplanning has been done. It does look like a super fun stitch though.

For the first time in a long time, I actually did not stitch for six days in a month. That really put a dent in my February goals. Add the fact that this is the shortest month of the year, well it is obvious I could not hit all my goals. While I did not hit my cross stitch goals, I have hit most of my move goals.
In February I finished going through 15 years of stuff in the garage as well as emptying my storage unit. It was grueling work but I really found some wonderful treasures. I did get rid of 80% from the garage and storage unit and I am quite pleased with the results. This speaks well for the future creative time.
I also found my dream home in Vancouver, Washington in an intense 4 day search visiting 20 houses until it was narrowed down to my top 4 choices. Made an offer on the final choice and now I am in the throws of finalizing financing and closing. Exciting changes ahead.
Goals Next Week
So I have not really made plans for the month of March so this plan is a rough guess on what I will work on next week:
- 500 stitches on Frosty Tiny Town
- Finish Day 7 of Christmas Calendar
- setup all the new starts for March
- Start Hello Summer
- Finish Jan moons
- Sep Calendar Crates
- Nov Snapshot
- Santa’s House
While working on this blog I have been jotting down notes for March. It is nice that I have finished February with just 18 WIPs so that is very cool. I made a list of six starts in March with a bunch of spring projects and continuing series I am working on. It should be fun!
Have a great weekend!
Peggy Stockwell in San Jose, California
Peggy, I’m so happy you found your dream house. Will you be selling yours? We visited Vancouver decades ago and thought it looked like the perfect place to live.
I love scrolling through your projects, and they are always eye candy for me, whether you are full at it or less active. Just be glad you didn’t have a year of losing your mojo like I did.
I am glad your daughter was not cut along with other employees. Although I am the rare Republican quilter and have great faith that Donald Trump will bring our country back, I am sad about many of the cuts, and I appreciate that I can voice my opinions on your blog.