Welcome to this week’s edition of cross stitch projects underway. This week is being cut short as I am actually writing this on Thursday because I have things to do tomorrow. LOL! We are having an unseasonably warm day here in Northern California with the temp at 68F. Just a few days ago the high was in the 40s. You have to love mother nature keeping us on our toes.
January Goals Update
Not much movement on start and finish goals this week. I have been working on Snow Village a little bit every day to try and wrap up. Only one new start. Here is the recap.
Finish Goals
- Snow Village
- ✔️Wintertime
- ✔️2024 SJ Temp Library
- January Square Dance
- Pop of Winter
- ✔️Winter Basket #3
- ✔️December Year of Celebration
Start Goals
- January Square Dance
- Pop of Winter
- ✔️2025 Moon Phases
- Mr. January
- Winter Basket #2
- Frosty Tiny Town
Starts & Finishes
No new finishes but I do have one new start. I still need to kit my other starts.
START: 2025 SJ Moon Phases Temperature by Climbing Goat Designs

Finally got started on this one. The pages for this chart is in multiple files because it is location dependent. So I have to work off of two different charts. One for the border and one for each moon phase. Of course I can’t seem to have them in the same file. LOL! The file was just too big for that. I got the basic border outline done for the top right corner so I could finally start on January. This is showing January 1st – January 6th. All those pretty purples are the lows and the teals are the highs. My lows are 4C or lower which happens to be the first moon. So far so good.
WIP Updates
Let’s take a look at my WIPS. I have almost worked on every WIP from last month. That thought makes me very happy.
Fabulous House: Santa’s House by Cottage Garden Samplings

I made some great progress on this house. I finished the main red and filled in all the dark red. Now I am adding the pink highlights. Also finished the windows which makes it look so homey!
Shabby Winter Calendar by Cuore e Batticuore

I hadn’t intended to work on this project multiple times this month. But while working on it last week, I decided I could feel really good if I finished a day. So here is the finish of Day 10! Instead of starting a new small project, I am seriously considering of making it a goal to finish one day per month for the rest of the year. Doable right?!
Snow Village by Country Cottage Needleworks

I had a goal this month to at least work on this for two nights and hopefully finish. (Ever the optimist.). I worked on it at the being of January working on the snow bottom border. This week after two more nights the snow border is complete the house is almost complete and the menu sign is outlined. Great progress for sure. Not sure if I will actually finish this month, but the plan is to work on it a hour here and there for the rest of the month.
WIPGO Project: Fruit of Plenty by Modern Folk Embroidery

I got another 500 stitches in towards my 2500 stitch goal for January for a total of 1919 stitches. That leaves me with …..581 stitches left of my WIPGO goal. I worked on the left hand side border and cute motif on the left. It is really looking fabulous.
Snowballs for Sale by Lori Holt (Bee in my Bonnet)

There is nothing so excciting is just hundreds of white cross stitches (NOT). It is hard to stay motivated while working on this. I realized I messed up somewhere but decided it didn’t matter. Now that the white has reached the scarf, I think it is time to fill in the other green on the scarf so I don’t accidentally mess up the scarf. I’m done for the month on this one. Stitched on it for two nights this month. I am going to keep my winter stitches in the rotation for February. I don’t really have much to work on for seasonal February.

Picutred above is the finished Seaside Tiny Town. I still need to add the buttons. Maybe this week. So what is left to work on this week. I have about a week left to finish up my January goals:
- Start Pop of Winter
- Start Mr. January after kitting up
- Work on Snow Village
- Add buttons to Seaside Tiny Town
- Add buttons to Blooming Tiny Town
- Kit up and start Frosty Tiny Town
- 581 stitches on Fruit of Plenty
- Work on Cresecent City Velarius
- Work on Snowman Collector: The Shepherd
- Add buttons to Monthly Markings (maybe)
- January Doodle still has to be kitted in order to start
- I am supposed to start Winter Basket #2
Sure is a lot left to do in a week’s time. Need to finish kitting the new starts so I can start them. As always, I am overly ambitious and my eyes are bigger than my time. LOL! Have a great weekend and thanks for stopping by to look at all the eye candy 🍭
Peggy Stockwell in San Jose, California
Ooh such pretty projects! That Modern Folk embroidery one is just gorgeous. I’ve seen so many people doing all the different “Tiny Town” iterations. How do you plan to finish yours: flat, framed, pillow or cube/tuffet? Love the idea of “Floss Friday”. I have two projects I need to work on and since I’m seeing this on a Friday, I’m taking it as the CS Universe giving me a nudge to get it in gear, LOL!
I think I will be finishing my tiny towns as little drums. I like the idea of them.
Glad to see Nala is still doing quality control. 🙂 I look forward to seeing how Moon Phases stitches out, looks very interesting. Love the snowballs, even though they are boring – lol! Seaside Town is adorable. Have a great weekend!