As would be expected, English Paper Piecing is a slow process. I have always done it during hockey practice. With hockey not being normal yet, that has slowed my progress even more! Writing this posts, reminds me that the time I have dedicated this aspect of my quilting has been very minimal in 2020. Something has got to change!
I Love EPP Party 2020 (#iloveeppparty2020) hosted by @the_makers_stash

Last year and again this year in October, I participated in the #iloveeppparty hosted on Instagram. Last year was very eye opening and I loved it. Up until then, I only had one EPP project – Farmer’s Wife. I had felt that because it was slow stitching, I should not be doing more than one. Last year I realized what I was missing out on!
This year’s party was much more fun and I had more to share because I removed the walls I had erected to box myself in. Every day in October we received a new prompt. There were though provoking prompts (Why do you slow stitch), scary ones (show your fabric stash), and fun ones (Favorite Tip).
If you love EPP you might want to check it out on Instagram. I had a great time! This year was fun because I had more to share – more experience, more projects, more ideas….
1920 Farmer’s Wife Quilt

I am a bit shocked at myself that I haven’t actually finished any blocks for this quilt since last we spoke in September. I did baste block 44 but not block 43 yet. This past week I had a goal to start a FW block so since 43 was not ready, I started block 44 (and only started). These blocks are “white” on my drawing so I used low volume white prints so you could still see the block design.
Lost and Found Quilt by

I was able to finish up block 12 and 13 since last we talked. I feel like twelve is really ugly but just absolutely love 13. Without the ugly, there would be no beautiful. There is 11 blocks left to complete for this quilt. Even though I have lagged, it will still be my first finish. There will be sashing to add and I am still deciding the best way to “finish” the quilt. Lucky for me, I have time!
Ruby’s Double Diamond Quilt

I just checked and I have actually not worked on any blocks for this quilt. Sorry… Next time. Above is the last block finished.
Halloween Hexie Swap

I received my happy package a few weeks ago with all my hexies and a surprise as well. I have started making halloween hexie flowers. I am thinking maybe a pillow… or something else. It was a lot of fun to play with all those hexies. It felt like Christmas! I also received a cute little gnome. Isn’t he adorable?
New Hexagon Book Projects written by Katja Marek

Uhhh.. Well…. I still need to finish the four hexagons that are done into their final projects as potholders and mug rugs. Meanwhile, I keep drooling all over the pages. I hope to make potholders for my November kitchen accessories.
Wrap Up
Well that wasn’t too bad this time. Short. Sweet. Speaking of which, I will leave you a picture of my purrfect helper!

Hello Peggy! You have such cute pieces I. The works! Slow and steady!!