Things have been moving along slowly but surely. Of course some patterns are more challenging than others but they are all fun. I have to say, stitching Halloween and Fall projects really does get you in the spirit of the season. I liked how Lori Holt talked about Stitchtober wasn’t about finishing things but about the season.

I’m trying real hard not to judge myself on this one but anytime I participate in stitch-a-long, sew-a-longs, or quilt-a-longs I tend to struggle to stay on target. Letting it go……
The cobweb ended up being my nemisis not that it was the cobweb’s fault. I just started in the wrong place and didn’t realize until week two release. Instead of beginning to stitch week two (moon and bat), I had to unstitch and there was a lot of work. I normally can save the thread but I just did too good of a job with the tucking in ends of thread and had to resort to cutting them out. That nicked my fabric which is screen painted not dyed. I will need to find a purple pen somewhere to “repair” the damage, but I am not going to worry about that right now.
As with most things, good things came with my delay on starting my moon. That meant that week three (top half of house) was out and I was able to use it while finishing up the cobweb and starting the moon. Things are looking good!
2020 HALLOWEEN MIX & MATCH with Lori Holt of Bee in my Bonnet and Fat Quarter Shop

I love stitching this one. I got a little carried away with the black border because I was having so much fun. Of course, I didn’t get carried away for block number 3, but that’s okay. I changed my hot chocolate to an orange zigzag instead of purple and my straw from white and orange to two shades of purple. I like it much better.
The pumpkin I ended up grabbing the wrong orange but I figured who cares! Someone looking at it won’t!
PUMPKINS FOR SALE by Lori Holt of Bee in my Bonnet

I am almost done with the scarecrow which I love except that my accent blue blends too much with my overall blue. Once I finish this guy, I will be starting on the pumpkins as he is stuck right in the middle of the pumpkin patch!
I took the easy route on this one and bought the thread pack instead of looking a little closer to the design. There were several colors that only have a few stitches that I could of either used one of the other colors or subsituted something else. As I have been ramping up on these, I realize that I have probably already outgrown the easy route. LOL!
MR. OCTOBER, A CALENDAR GNOME, by Charlie’s Needle

This pattern has been a delight to stitch. Evenweave is so easy to stitch on then even aida in my opinion. Overall I feel like I go much faster. As you can tell I stitch up and down. It was fun to finally start stitching the gnome this week. I still need to finish the rest of the garland and the words. I just couldn’t resist the cat and the gnome.
COTTAGE OF THE MONTH – NOVEMBER by Country Cottage Needleworks

This is my first cottage in the series of twelve. I absolutely love it. It is a very simple but striking pattern. I got anxious to start the house. LOL! I still need to add my leaves on the lower branch as well as finish filling in the roof.

While one would think that 10 count would go faster, I feel the need to be more careful with each stitch which takes four strands. Even with being careful, sometimes it appears that my “x”’s aren’t going the same direction. I know it is only an optical illusion. This one is almost done, I only have the leaves and vines to add as well as the dark orange accent.
OCTOBER TRUCKIN ALONG by Stitching with the Housewives

This one is coming along a lot quicker than August did. Pumpkins and candy corn are much easier to stitch. I only have the truck and the ground to stitch. I just love the oranges used in this one. They are very lovely colors for pumpkins. Isn’t that kitten adorable.
If I finish this one soon, I may start November. I was originally going to skip it, but I can’t help feel like this one is moving along quickly!
Wrap Up
That wraps up the Stitchtober projects. I did set aside my other projects including the Snow Village while stitching the Halloween and Fall projects.
I did order some more charts including Chalk Talk Autumn. Depending on how it goes, I may start that one this year, otherwise, I have one for next year! I hope you were able to get ideas or just enjoy these holiday stitches!