Floss Friday #99

I made it home on Wednesday. What a long day with the heatwave all the way from Vancouver, Washington to San Jose, California. It was 113F from Southern Oregon to Concord. It finally started cooling off once I was coming into San Jose. It was only 95F in San Jose. Yesterday hit 100F again. I am ready for some cooler weather for a few days. Whew! I have been taking walks at midnight because that is when it finally cools off. As far as I know, this has been all up and down the West Coast. Not sure how far east it went.

It was a long week with a couple of trips back and forth between Seattle and Vancouver. Depending on traffic, it is 3 to 4 hour drive. Glad that is now behind us. With all this activity, not a lot of stitching happened. No chairs to sit in, poor lighting, and down right miserably hot. 🥵

Starts & Finishes

Just one finish this week.

FINISH: June Year of Celebration Season 2 by Hands on Design
Finished June Year of Celebration Season 2 7/11/2024

It took forrreverrrr to finish this one. The lighting was very poor and when I was working with CCW Mossy, I just couldn’t see what I was stitching. The color just blended in with the fabric. Yesterday I finally finished because I had good lighting and could see where and what I was stitching. Rough one. Cute though.

WIP Update

While I took a lot of projects on the trip, I only worked a couple of times for an hour maybe each time. If I would have stitched during the day, I probably could have gotten more done, but it was usually after dinner and it was getting dark before I had an opportunity. Poor lighting made the stitching slow and I didn’t feel like I was doing my best work. So I just … stopped.

(WIPGO Project): Pop of Summber by Bent Creek
Pop of Summer WIP 7/11/2024

I did work on this a couple of times while I was gone. It is interesting working with pearl cotton. I think the needle I am using is probably too small but I am making it work. I have almost finished all the flowers and am looking forward to stitching the hummingbird. I just love hummingbirds!

This linen has been surprisingly easy to work with. I wish I knew what brand it is. If only all linen was this easy to work with.

2024 SJ Temperature Library by Kristi’s Corner
2024 SJ Temperature Library WIP 7/11/2024. June shelf almost done.

Last night I finished stitching all the June books and then started working on the June knickknack which is a hummingbird!!! I didn’t want to stop since I was so close to being done, but I needed to go for my evening walk and head to bed. That will definitely get finished up tonight!

The first two weeks of July will be pretty boring. My color chart is 92F + so that will be almost every day. On the other hand, it may be the last time I use the color. I don’t know if you can see, but I usually do a backstitch between books the same color. Sometimes it is very noticeable, others it is more subtle. I usually use a color or two before or after the current color.

Upcoming Plans & Thoughts

Cuddling with Cali

Since I got home, this one has been all about being a lap cat. Everytime I go upstairs, she wants on my lap. She doesn’t really come downstairs as the orange kitties treat her like prey and she doesn’t like it. I am enjoying all the cuddles.

I have made a rough sketch of this coming week. I will need to do a little rearranging to take into account the week in Tahoe which is coming up on July 22nd. Did I mention I am not home much in July? 😝

Currently this is what I am thinking:

  • Finish June Library shelf
  • Start July Library books
  • Hopefully finish up WIPGO project Pop of Summer
  • Blooming Tiny Town – a house or two
  • Start Snowman Collector: The Shepherd
  • Work on July Stackables
  • Work on January Month 2 Month
  • Work on Autumn Basket chart 3
  • Work on Fabulous House: Green House
Fabulous House: Lighthouse cover

Speaking of Fabulous House Series, did you see the new release: Lighthouse. I just love it. I am enjoying both these series that I am doing of Cottage Garden Samplings ~ Snowman Collector & Fabulous House. They are just intense.

I found it interesting that I started July with 21 WIPs of which I am actively working on 12. For July I have planned 5 starts (two were suppose to be started in June) and 6 finishes (one was supposed to be finished in June). Three of my starts I expect to finish in July.

Hope everyone enjoys their weekend! I will be catching up on everything ~ stitching, quilting, housework, shopping. The normal stuff.

Peggy Stockwell back home in San Jose, California (Yipee!)

2 thoughts on “Floss Friday #99”

  1. Pop of Summer is going to be so pretty. I like the sheen pearl cotton. Your projects make me want to get mine out and get busy – I’ve been very lazy about nighttime TV stitching for way too long. Cali is just beautiful! I’m sorry to hear the kitties treat her like prey. We have a similar dynamic in our house of 5 cats. Rosie, the smallest of the kitties, doesn’t get along with the new adoptee, Gus, and they alternate batting at each other. It’s pretty funny. I admire you for walking so late at night!
    Enjoy being home and have a great weekend. 🙂

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