Floss Friday #101

Welcome to this week’s edition of Floss Friday. I am still at Lake Tahoe at a quilt retreat. More sewing than stitching has happened this week but I do have some stuff to show you from before this trip. Let’s jump in!

Starts & Finishes

Just one start & finish this week.

START & FINISH: June Monthly Markings by Heart in Hand

I have to laugh. I couldn’t tell that was a carrot until it was finished. With the shovel there, I thought originally it was a pile of dirt. This was a quick and easy chart this month.

WIP Update

Not a lot to share since I am at the quilt retreat, but still managed to find a couple of hours.

December Snapshot by Pine Mountain Designs
Closeup of December Snapshot WIP 7/20/2024

I have no idea why I didn’t take a photo of the whole project. I can only guess I got distracted. 😂. I started this new photo in the collage of photos for December. I made some great progress.

Sail Away by It’s Sew Emma

I had some time to work on this project this week. I finished up the life saver and started on the seagull.

WIPGO Project: Let’s Talk Summer Pillow chart by Hands on Design
Talk of Summer Pillow Chart WIP 7/25/2024

This was my quilt retreat project. I was hoping to make more progress but this is still not bad. I love the bright summery colors in this stitch. It always brings a happy feeling. I really enjoyed stitching the banner.

Upcoming Plans & Thoughts

Sunset at Zephyr Point Lake Tahoe Quilt Retreat

So overall I have done pretty good this month accomplishing my monthly goals. Per the norm, not much happens when I travel. So many distractions. I will share more about the quilt retreat in my Tuesday post. The sponsor of this retreats currently has 3 each year in this beautiful place.

The rest of my July goals are:

  • start The Shepherd
  • Start Mr. September
  • Work 3 more times on Let’s Talk Summer
  • Work on WIP August Calendar Crates
  • Work on WIP Fruit of Plenty
  • Finish July Stackables

Hmmm. Not sure if I will hit ALL the goals but I will surely try. Well I got to get back to the quilt retreat room. This is our last day and I don’t want to miss anything! Have a great weekend.

Peggy Stockwell @ Zephyr Point in Zephyr Cove, Lake Tahoe, NV

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